AAGEN Congratulates the Inaugural Class of SES Development Program

First row: Vice Admiral Melvin Williams – Department of Energy (DOE) , Ms. Clarissa Balmaseda Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Ms. Marla Hendriksson Health and Human Services (HHS), Ms. Sharon Wong Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Mr.Tommy Hwang, AAGEN Chair, Ms. Stacey Pham Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Dr. Regina Tan (USDA), Ms. Laureen Laglagaron Department of Justice (DOJ), Ms. Carolyn Truong Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ms. Rena Kim Department of Justice (DOJ)

Second and third row combined: Thomas Phan, AAGEN Executive Director, Mr. “John”Unyong Moon Department of Energy (DOE), Dr. Ming Zhu Department of Energy (DOE), Mr. Patrick Eng Department of Defense (DOD), Ms. Betty Chung U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Ms. Katherine Lee Department of Commerce (DOC), Mr. Mark Kasman Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ms. Louise Kitamura Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mr. Clarence Johnson, Principal Director, DMEEO, OUSD, Ms. Anita Bible Social Security Administration (SSA), Mr. Christopher Hale Department of Justice (DOJ), , The Hon. Ruby Moy – AAGEN Board of Director - President and CEO of the Asian American & Pacific Islander Association of Colleges and Universities (APIACU), Dr. Sumiye Okubo - AAGEN Director, Dr. Ming Lei Health and Human Services (HHS), Ms. Sasha Koo-Oshima Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Honorable Sam Mok –Member of the AAGEN Advisory Board.

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