AAGEN Membership

Become an agent of change and participate in its exciting activities including outreach to senior government executives and congressional and private sector leaders, mentoring and coaching session, annual AAGEN conferences and banquets, regular educational speaker events, community services, job and career opportunities, and networking and social gatherings.

Apply for AAGEN Membership now!


  • Network with APA senior executives and your peers
  • Access to senior government executives and congressional and private sector leaders
  • Get one-on-one mentoring and coaching
  • Access training and learning opportunities
  • Obtain assistance with application process
  • See member-only content like the AAGEN Membership Directory
  • Seize leadership positions and opportunities
  • Be a part of a greater voice
  • Enjoy great company and food at social gatherings
  • Get discounts to AAGEN events

If you are already a senior executive in government, you should join AAGEN because:

  • You are a great example and your story should be shared!
  • There are not that many of us at the senior level and we should be a part of a greater voice
  • Get access to senior government executives and congressional leaders
  • You should give back to the community by helping APAs break the bamboo ceiling
  • You should help to ensure that the upper ranks of government are truly diverse by the time your children reaches that stage of their career 

If you have any questions, please contact us at membership@aagen.org.


Click on link to read the whole story...

"AAGEN has been an ideal arena for me to learn and practice my leadership skills."   

Dr. Yann King-AAGEN Chair, 2009-2010

"Had it not been for AAGEN’s helping hand in those early years, ASPIRE's path to success may not have been as immediate."

Barbara Franquet-ASPIRE President, 2000-2005

"When I was a GS13, an AAGEN executive held my hands and said to me, 'you will be a GS-15'.  I never dreamed of becoming a GS-15, but I became a GS-15 employee." 

Qi-hui Huang-FCC Employee

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